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Ericsson T28

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Links related with the Ericsson T28

The pictogram denotes an official Ericsson website.

Phone information

Experience the T28
Want to enjoy the flavour of the T28 ? Or want an exhaustive source of information about the features, accessories and much more of the Ericsson T28 ? Ericsson features a very cool, Flash-enabled demo of the phone. It's worth the visit ! Go

T28 Accessories   
Link to the official list of all T28 accessories. It's a good place to find out what you need and the specifications of all Ericsson accessories for your phone. Go

The T28 FAQ
This is the official, exhaustive FAQ from Ericsson support service. It's the only source to believe if there is a contradiction between the KB and them. Go

T28 Manual  
Following a lot of requests by the KB users, we are putting online the official T28 manual. This PDF document is rather large and comes directly from Ericsson's website (where the same item is available in various languages).


Acrobat Reader is needed to read this document: if you don't have it, you can download it for free.

To save the manual on your disk, right click on the link and select "Save target as..." or the according option in your browser. 
Ericsson T28 Manual (British English - 1,87 Mb)

Melodies and ring tones

Mobile Melodies
A good starting point. Go

Another one. With a list of recently submitted and requested melodies. Features generic information about the T28 and Ericsson as well. Go

A pretty good choice of recent melodies. Decent navigation scheme.

Ericsson info

Renegade's Ericsson Mobile Phone Site
A good unofficial Ericsson website which helps users with their problems and shows them new ways of using their Ericssons. Go

World of Ericsson
Maybe not of the coolest design, but a good source of information about Ericsson's products. Ring tones (and a melody player for your PC/Mac) to download. Go

Searching on the site

Help of the site

Read the FAQ : a comprehensive list of the most asked questions about the website. What it is, what is not, and much more 

The T28 Mailing Base 

If you are searching for an easy and convenient way of being kept up to date about the news of the Ericsson T28s Knowledge Base, you might want  to suscribe to our mailing list. We send you ... More

Copyright 2001 T28KB
Last update: 18 June 2001
Created by lpvs.net